Thursday 2 May 2019

A Little Self-Love

I haven't always loved my body, in fact, I spent most of my teens and 20s trying to 'fix it'. Don't get me wrong, I've always loved my curves, I just wanted less of them in certain places. 

But today at 34 years old I can honestly say I love my body, every single curve. Not because I've finally achieved that silhouette I spent years chasing (I haven't… far from it in fact!), but because I finally understand how amazing and powerful it is.

My wonderful body grew, birthed and nurtured the love of my life, my perfect little boy, and it's in the process of doing it all again! It has endured so much and is capable of so much more, and really it's about time I showed it a little appreciation! Because every scar, every stretchy and every wobbly bit tells my story, the story of my children, the story of our lives together, and that's pretty beautiful.

This is why when our family photographer Victoria Prince suggested trying to get some slightly risqué shots as part of my second maternity shoot, I was all up for trying it out, after all if I wasn’t comfortable with them they never had to see the light of day, and I’d still have some lovely classic images from the experience. Needless to say I loved them (hence this post) and If you'd told me 10 years ago I'd one day be sharing such revealing pictures of myself, I would've called you crazy, but today I don't care about the haters, prudes and critics. 

I absolutely love being a mother, it has completely taken over my life, and I'm ok with that, but every once in a blue moon it's nice to do something for me. It's very rare, and the stars really need to align for it, but it happens, and that's what my maternity shoots have been like. 

Not so much with my first but with this last pregnancy I've definitely been feeling a little out of touch with my own needs. Being pregnant whilst looking after a toddler with no OFF button is HARD! Add to it that I was working full-time from home (so no motivation to dress nice or wear makeup) and you can imagine what I looked like.

This shoot certainly pulled me out of that funk! Vic requested curls (which I don't normally invest time in), and because of the nature of the pictures we'd be trying to get I went all out and pampered myself with all the necessary waxing, a manipedi and a few face and hair masks to get myself ready. All of this at home btw (I'm not made of money!), which reminded me I should do it more often since I'm obviously capable of it!

On the day I felt like a million bucks. My mom was looking after my little boy and I had a few hours in the studio of just me and Vic. I can honestly say there is nobody else I'd do something like this with. Vic isn't just our photographer, she has become a trusted friend and throughout the shoot she made me feel not only comfortable but beautiful, empowered and confident.

It didn't take long before I started to get some of the finished shots and I couldn't believe how much I loved them, every single one! They definitely embody all the self-love I'm feeling these days and I've already chosen a few to frame and display in our bedroom, not because I'm a narcissist (I'm not), but because they will constantly remind me that taking care of myself and ensuring I have some 'me time' every once in a while won't take anything away from giving my family my all, quite the opposite in fact. 

So thanks Vic, your talent is truly extraordinary, and it's matched only by the amazing heart and character you share with all those around you! Can't wait for our next shoot together (if little lady ever decides to make an appearance… 41 weeks and counting!).

And to anyone reading this, I hope this post inspires you to indulge in a little self-love, whatever that may look like for you, just give it a go, make the time, you deserve it!

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