Saturday 5 January 2019

New Year New Resolutions

 Image: Huda Tabrez | Gulf News

Ask me what my New Year’s resolutions were last year, or the year before, or the one before that. No clue. Probably something unattainable and unreasonable like losing half my body weight, giving up chocolate (as if!), learning 10 new languages and quitting my job to travel the world.

This year I’ve decided to not only make resolutions that are achievable but also to write them down, as a way of making myself accountable for them, hopefully motivating me to see them through. Means in January 2020 I can look back at this post and see how I did.

I’ve given it some thought and settled on the following five resolutions, so here we go…


I used to really enjoy blogging, in fact I still do, I just never seem to have the time, or make the time is perhaps more accurate. I’ve had my blog for years and have written a little about everything, but as of late (a few years to be honest) it’s been thoroughly neglected.

So this year I’m hoping to rekindle my love for writing, and can maybe even use my blog as an outlet to save my sanity when life as a parent starts to get a little overwhelming.


For years I’ve been saying I’m going to learn a new language (did six months of French back in 2012), take Photography lessons (bought myself a fancy camera a few Black Fridays ago), become a knitter (I have knitting needles, yarns and patterns in a box… somewhere), learn to bake (all the unused silicone moulds in my kitchen beg to differ), and countless other things.

I will, hopefully, get to them all one day, but this year I’m focussing on learning to sew. In 2018 I bought myself a nice second hand Brother sewing machine, and have just signed up to do a course at the end of January to learn how to use and maintain it. I already have a few projects in mind, and will hopefully be posting about those as and when they get done.

Image: © Cheryl Davis |


This is something I've been wanting to do for some time. I’ve already started this journey by choosing to use cloth nappies instead of disposables with my son, and plan to do the same with my little girl when she arrives in April. 

But I am far from leading an eco-friendly life, so over the next year I’ll be looking to gradually make changes in that direction. Some of the things I'd like to try are reducing our use of plastic in the household and making my own cleaning products. Watch this space for updates on that!

Image: © stockcreations |


My pre-child care routine was something to marvel at (if you’re into beauty regimes that is). Every month I would schedule time to have a wax, a full-body exfoliation, mani-pedi, face and hair masks, and relaxing bubble baths. Aside from the waxing, I actually can’t remember the last time I did the rest of those.

So I’m declaring 2019 as the year I love myself more. This might be quite challenging come April, but I’m hoping if I can get a little routine going before then it might be easier… I’ll certainly be needing some ME time with two under two!

Image: © Oksana Kiian |


We became home owners last year, and the original plan was to move in and get everything organized and settled before little Piglet arrived. Unfortunately, it didn’t work out this way, and moving with a new-born meant that work that needed to be done was put off and boxes just got stashed in cupboards, closets and the loft… where they remain.

Despite my best intentions I just haven’t given myself the time to sort through them all, but that’s definitely not something I want luring over my head when baby #2 arrives, so I’m hoping that little by little, one box at a time, I will get through it all.

 Image: © Photographerlondon |

Well, that’s it for now. Wish me luck!

Gaby xXx

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